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Alien Species Intervention – Baby

Alien Species Intervention: Baby
Alien Species Intervention: Baby

Alien Species Intervention

Volume 1: Baby

by J. K. Anccinni

Review by Barry Boy

In the beginning of Alien Species Intervention: Baby, we are introduced to Netty, an uneducated farm girl from Sussex County in New Jersey. She thought herself the luckiest girl in the world when a lawyer from a wealthy family asked for her hand in marriage. She thought that it would be an escape from the drudgery of most farmers’ wives.

However, Robert, her husband soon reveals the dark side of his nature by frequently beating and raping her. After three years, she can take it no more and runs away. She heads for her old, dilapidated family farm, although Robert has already raped and killed her mother. One day while foraging, she has cause to investigate a hole in the ground, where she finds a sick baby ‘animal’, of a species that she has never encountered before.

She decides to take it home to try to cure it, being something of a natural animal doctor. She has no concept that it could be an alien. She calls it Baby, and she soon discovers that it has telepathic and healing powers. Netty is instantly cured of many cuts, bruises, aches and pains, and the two bond deeply.

After a while of increasing prosperity, Netty rescues an itinerant worker who has been attacked and robbed by bushwhackers. She heals him and the two become lovers. However, Robert gets to hear of Netty’s happiness, so he contrives to ruin her little family’s lives.

Alien Species Intervention: Baby is a historic a futuristic fantasy story of impending world destruction. It is a warning to mankind that we need to change our ways, if our species is to continue on this planet.

The cover suits the contents of the novel, which appears to have been professionally edited. The style, especially in the beginning is heavily descriptive. Later in the story, the pace quickens and it becomes a veritable page-turned as the action hots up.

I liked Alien Species Intervention: Baby very much and will be reading the following two volumes as soon as time allows.

Alien Species Intervention is free on Amazon at the time of writing, so is excellent value for money. It is also a fantastic read that will have you questioning our modern way of life. Well done, Miss Anccinni.

Full marks.

[simpleazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00GS2W6T2″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”107″]   [simpleazon-link asin=”B00GS2W6T2″ locale=”us”]Alien Species Intervention: Books 1-3: An Alien Apocalyptic Saga (Species Intervention #6609)[/simpleazon-link]

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