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SWAMP on Facebook



It is time to try to do something positive with the S.W.A.M.P!

So, any Sculptors, Writers, Artists, Musicians, Painters or other creative people are free to publicise their work. Sorry, but this is not for resellers of ‘art and collectibles’ from Wal-Mart.

So, what does go?

I have three initial ideas, but if anyone would like to see anything else here, just ask.

1) Give-Aways. If anyone is offering free books or whatever, perhaps, we others could have them sent to our family and friends by the author. It might guarantee a read instead of just a download.

2) Facebook Post Promotions. Most FB posts are hardly read by anyone, because FB judges how many people it will show a post to by how many friends’ of the original poster have already read it. We can ensure that our most important posts get a good airing.

3) Reciprocal Blogpost-Liking. I personally can’t get enough LIKES to my blog posts.

I also think that Pinterest is under-used, so I suggest that, if you see an image you like while working your way through the lists above, you right-click it and post it to your account (perhaps a special folder). Pinterest cannot be used on Facebook, but we could send the images to Pocket, which is easy.

I propose to run these lists on a weekly basis and maybe even delete old threads as new ones are created to keep them easy to find.

Please do not post anything else without asking first, I don’t want the SWAMP to become a cesspool of junk. There is a special discussion area for chatting about whatever you like, so please use the threads sensibly

Welcome to the new, clean SWAMP! Why not head over there now for a wallow?

Dive into the #SWAMP!

All the best,


PS: Non-artists, sympathisers, let’s call them spectators, will be allowed to join too. Perhaps, we ought to have a chat thread too,  where we can all interact.

PPS: Please follow the format I set for each thread. Thanks.

PPSS: Please invite your friends J

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