Water! Water Everywhere…
Yes, friends, the water is back on and flowing in great abundance. From every house you pass can be heard the strains of old washing machines already on their second or third load of the day. My wife had actually arranged for the baby to go and stay with her other grandmother because she had water, not being reliant on the old tower that served us for hundreds of years (that may be an exaggeration).
Anyway, I went to bed last night, and had to get up in the middle of the night as usual, when I heard the joyous sound of our water tank filling up in the garden. I immediately took a shower. However, Gail still went to her other grandmother’s, so Neem has the weekend off, until Sunday night anyway.
I promised not to complain about having to update my Amazon book links for a week, and I lasted two, I think. I checked my statistics with Amazon just now, and, after working like a dog for seventeen days and deleting eleven websites, I now I have only about fifty URL’s to alter, so that’s good news too, isn’t it?
There’s a bit more too, the new drainage around our house did a marvellous job of taking away the rain over the last few days, because when it rains here it is never light – only heavy compared to most countries or heavier than normal and then you have the monsoons on a different level again. The new road is coming on well too and will be a godsend for the four people in our street with a car.
I have started to busy myself with updating the much fewer websites I left with each other and providing more ways for potential customers to buy my books. For example, most customers buy from Amazon, so everybody has links to that, but previously I only had a note saying ‘Can also be bought on Smashwords, Lulu, Kobo, Nook and Apple’. Now I have actual links to the relevant pages on those sites, and all my links are Smarturls, so I can see how often they were clicked, which will help tell me where my traffic to the bookshops is coming from.
And that should help me to decide where to concentrate my advertising efforts. It has been a gargantuan task, and it is not quite over yet (perhaps another two weeks), but I should be in prime condition for August 1st, or my websites anyway, you know what I mean 🙂
All the best,
Podcast: Water! Water Everywhere…