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Megan Publishing Services
Megan Publishing Services

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Megan Publishing was set up to publish my own books and help others publish their own books as well. Self-publishing or indie-publishing is not so difficult if you have plenty of time and if you have done it a few times before. However, many authors write a book or two a year , and so have forgotten what to do when it comes to publishing the next one or, what also happens, the submission rules have changed.

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So, a little about me, just so you know my credentials. My name is Owen Jones and I have been a full-time author as of April 2012. I have written and published: a seven-part series called ‘Behind The Smile – the Story of Lek, a Bar Girl in Pattaya, Thailand’; twenty-four novellas in ‘The Psychic Megan Series’; two, two-part series, three stand-alones, two books on business marketing and one on how to take care of a dog, all of which can be seen elsewhere on this web site.

Then, I have written and published about a hundred and thirty ‘How To…’ books: ‘How To Take Care of Koi Carp’, ‘How to Stop Smoking’ and that sort of thing. They can all be seen on this blog : “How to…” manuals

Many of them have been translated into a dozen other languages. However, it is not so easy when you are just starting out, if you have another job or if you have family commitments. This is where I can step into the breach to help you publish your own book. The amount of assistance you require is up to you. You may want to do everything yourself, but consult me on how to do it or you may want me to take over certain aspects of the process all together.

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Any gradation from taking the project on completely to just offering advice is possible at Megan Publishing Services.

For example, you will need Facebook and Twitter accounts specifically for your books or for you as an author. You will need a web site, perhaps a blog or both, to showcase yourself and your work. You will need social media accounts, reviews, backlinks, promotion and marketing in general. You will need an Author Central account with Amazon and author pages on some of the dedicated sites like Goodreads and Authors’ Den.

You will need to get these sites into the search engines and make them visible in searches. In short, there are many, at least thirty, actions that you should take after you have published your book to Amazon, Kindle, Kobo,  D2D (Smashwords), Lulu, Tektime, GooglePlay Books and XinXii or a selection of them in print, audio, and/or digital formats, and to do that, you will need to create a well-designed book cover and a formatted, edited, error-free manuscript in digital format with the correct copyright declaration in the contents.

After all that, you can sit down to sell your book, and we can help you get started there too.

Megan Publishing Services, which means me, Owen Jones, can help you with any or all aspects of publishing your book.

Just get in touch with me at Megan Publishing Services using the ‘Contact’ tab on the top navigation bar if you have any questions about our services at all and we can discuss your requirements in a custom package.

God Luck with your book, please look at the ‘Megan Publishing Services’ link on the title banner of any page of this blog for more information

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Megan Publishing Services

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