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An Exciting Future

An Exciting Future

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An Exciting Future


An Exciting Future starts where volume one ends. Lek and Craig, her new ‘permanent’ boyfriend are flying back to Bangkok from Craig’s home in Wales. The holiday atmosphere continues in Pattaya for months, but then reality dawns, and they have important decisions to make such as: where are they going to live, and how are they going to make a living. They start squabbling, and both wonder whether they have done the right thing in joining forces. They persevere, and, after many trials, tribulations and happy times, begin to settle down into, what, for them at least, could be called a normal life. One of the trio dies tragically, but gives the other two new hope. However, will the old villagers forgive Lek for going to Pattaya? And will Lek and Craig be able to adapt to rural village life after all that Lek has seen and done, and Craig being used to living in large towns? What chance do they have of really fitting in?

An Exciting Future

The Story of Lek, A Bar Girl In Pattaya

 Volume two in the Behind The Smile series.

Owen Jones

An Exciting Future starts where volume one ends. Lek and Craig, her new ‘permanent’ boyfriend are flying back to Bangkok from Craig’s home in Wales. The holiday atmosphere continues in Pattaya for months, but then reality dawns, and they have important decisions to make such as: where are they going to live, and how are they going to make a living.

The Dream of an Exciting Future Fades

They start squabbling, and both wonder whether they have done the right thing in joining forces. They persevere, and, after many trials, tribulations and happy times, begin to settle down into, what, for them at least, could be called a normal life. One of the trio dies tragically, but gives the other two new hope.

Moving Up-Country

However, will the old villagers forgive Lek for going to Pattaya? And will Lek and Craig be able to adapt to rural village life after all that Lek has seen and done, and Craig being used to living in large towns? What chance do they have of really fitting in?

Do you want to look at Daddy’s Hobby again?

Daddy’s Hobby – The Story of Lek, A Bar Girl in Pattaya

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