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Translators and Narrators: Promo Tips and Tricks

Booksellers promo tips and tricks
Booksellers’ promo tips and tricks

Working For Royalty Share (part four)

Why work for commission only?

(intro) (part one) (part two) (part three) (part four)

Selling Books Online

So, that’s most of it, now for a few booksellers’ promo tips and tricks. If you have arrived here by following the links in the previous four articles. If not, I suggest clicking through above to (intro). This article is about how to make the job of book promotion just that little bit easier and up to 10% more profitable.

When you are writing your Tweets, posts and articles, it is very important that you use keywords in your text. Keywords are terms that you would use to find an article like the one you are writing, if you were looking for it. So, keywords (KWs) for BACKACHE might be lumbago, lower back pain, and chiropractor. NB that a KW can also be a key phrase. These help people find your article or book, if it is relevant to them. Therefore, they are essential to success in article marketing.

Booksellers’ Promo Tips and Tricks

Tip 1: there are ‘free keyword tools’ online, but if you are promoting a book of mine on Tektime, I have supplied six or seven suggestions. Use them or not, it’s up to you. They are translations of the English KWs I use, so I am sure that you can find better. There is a knack to picking Kws, and it soon becomes second nature.

There is a ton of stuff on KWs online. Make it your job to read a few – the principle is simple.

Tip 2: KWs are called #hashtags in Twitter speak. A very useful Twitter hashtag is #IARTG – use it in every Tweet to have them retweeted (forwarded) free of charge.

Tip 3: I have provided the Tweet that I will use to promote this article below. It has a few special characteristics:

  • It is the right length – under 240 characters for Twitter
  • I am addressing the people I want to talk to right up front
  • It is informative
  • It contains three KW #hashtags, including #IARTG. More is considered spammy.
  • It has a ‘call to action’ (Click…)
  • It has the URL that you want them to visit

Social Media Jukebox

I pay for this app, but there is a free version. Basically, you can put your Tweets or posts into it, and it will send them out at random, but at scheduled times and frequencies. It’s easy to set up, stock and use. I have about 4,000 messages in mine out of a 5,000 limit, and I’ve been using it for seven to ten years. Once a year or so, I have a partial clean out, readjust the settings, and off it goes again, working 24/7 with next to no intervention necessary.

Affiliate Links

So, now you are selling books and can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but there are more promo tips and tricks for booksellers. All bookshops have an affiliate programme. This means that if you join up for free, they will pay you a commission on every sale. With Amazon, it’s about 4%, but at Tektime it is a whopping 10%!

So, as a translator or narrator, if you sell one of your own Tektime books, Tektime will pay you 75% of the sale price for the work you put into creating the book PLUS 10% of the sale price for selling it!

If you sell the same book for Amazon, Tektime will pay you 75% and Amazon will pay you 4%

Who says there’s no money in books now, eh?

Share your love of books

Lastly, why not write a short review of the book you translated or narrated? You did read the book, didn’t you? So, you are entitled to your opinion. I don’t mean your translation or narration. That is not allowed, but you can review the book you worked from. These rating flow, you know. The person before you in the process looks (perhaps me, or the translator), the more it will reflect on you. For example, the more famous the original written book in English is, the more people will want to read or listen to it in translation or and audio format.

People don’t like to be the first to leave a review, but if they see yours, well, they just might.

It makes sense, eh? And only takes a few minutes. Don’t be stingy with the positive vibes, and they will return to you 🙂

If you have any questions about these booksellers’ promo tips and tricks, please raise them below.

Good luck,


Translators and Narrators Resources

Sample Tweet

Translators and Narrators: Working For Royalty Share (part 4) – The biggest advantage of the translator or narrator in the war of promotion is his or her contact list, which includes all social media. For more info, click: #IARTG #royalty #selling_content


PS: ALWAYS add an image! Twitter should pick one up from the URL by default, unless you override it.

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