A Few Days Ago
This early afternoon, my friend Dave came calling. I think that that is the earliest by three or four hours he’s ever come around. Anyway, the reason was that a mutual friend, Murray is leaving the country in two days and he thought that my email from yesterday inviting him to join us for a farewell drink was about today.
No problem, a lot of good came from our meeting, and Davy learned to check the date that emails are sent.
This is easily done, but it is still often overlooked.
While on the subject of emails, you can tell where a legitimate email was sent from by highlighting it (in Outlook), right-clicking it, selecting Options or Properties and reading the metadata. The sending address will be a string of numbers, which you can copy into dnsstuff.com and it will tell (resolve it for) you.
An automated version of this is how advertisers know where you are.
I say it only works with legitimate email, because professional spammers usually falsify this data to cover their tracks.
I finished editing Dead Centre II yesterday morning, so I got straight on with the cover. I have only had the covers of the Behind The Smile series designed for me, the other thirty–odd book covers I did myself.
I like to complete my editing, then the cover and finally the blurb for the back cover. I like to do it that way, but it is probably better to get a few different covers out earlier, so that readers can express their opinions.
The way I do it doesn’t leave a lot of time for that, because I am always wanting to get on with the next novel.
Perhaps I’ll see if it works better next time.
Update: I sold a copy within hours of it being published without using pre-ordering, so I’m happy about that.
I am already being asked for the next 112,000 words in the BTS series! I published 225,000 in the last quarter of 2014. It’s getting to become hard, but enjoyable work. Like working in a soap opera, I should imagine. Perhaps I should have made the novels half as long, because all five are 112k+ making almost 600,000 words so far.
For comparison, a thirty-minute soap would run to about 8,000 words or less!
[simpleazon-image align=”none” asin=”1508814406″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41lG8Job81L._SL160_.jpg” width=”107″] [simpleazon-link asin=”1508814406″ locale=”us”]Dead Centre II: Even The Wrong Can Be Right Sometimes! (Volume 2)[/simpleazon-link]
by +Owen Jones
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