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High Quality eBooks Manuals

PLR eBooks
eBooks Manuals

High Quality PLR eBooks of Niche Content in up to THIRTY LANGUAGES

My High Quality eBook Manuals

** Please note that whatever I have written elsewhere on this or any other website or blog, I no longer sell these manuals as PLR. I have expanded them, removed the right of the purchaser to reuse or resell them, and reduced the prices.
Owen Jones October 16th. 2023.

Maybe you’re not sure what Private Label Rights articles, commonly called PLR, are. So let’s ensure that we are talking about the same thing here. PLR articles are articles that you have the right to publish as yours, but which  someone else has written. I wrote all the content in my PLR ebooks.

The right to use the articles as your own may have been conferred on you as a gift. Or, more commonly, because you paid for them. There are two main points that affect the value of the PLR. These are 1] the quality of the article and 2] how many times that article has been used.

Personalised content

In turn, the style and quality of the writing; spelling; research; etc affect the value of the PLR. PLR is often sold to many webmasters. If the PLR that you possess has been sold to only a few people, all well and good. However, if thousands of people have used it, well, Google is not going to take much notice of your copy.

This situation has a simple solution. Just rewrite the articles in the PLR ebooks in your own style. Why buy an article, if you are going to have to rewrite it, you may ask? Well, if you trust its author, then the information in the private label rights ebook will be unimpeachable. Furthermore, it is considerably easier for most people to rewrite than to write an original piece.

Not only that, but if English is not your mother language, it is far simpler to change words, but keep the grammar than it is to write the whole thing from scratch. This is one of the best uses of articles in PLR ebooks.

Another is in newsletters and autoresponders, where you don’t care what Google thinks, because it has no access to these mailings. For example, if you had a list of subscribers with an interest in dogs, you could buy a few articles on dogs from a PLR writer and programme send them out automatically when you are on holiday or otherwise too busy to write articles of your own.

We have a niche private label rights ebook on at least 125 targeted topics, and here is how you could  use them.

A private label rights ebook

A pack of 15 articles would effectively give you 15 weeks off work, which is quite a lot, I’m sure you will agree. It helps enormously if the writer organises the articles into a private label rights ebook of tight niche subjects.

A private label rights ebook is also a good way of getting a web site up quickly. For example, what if you wanted to have a web site selling St Valentine’s Day Gifts, but you had left it a little late? Or couldn’t write the content for yourself for the reasons given above. You could buy a pack of articles in a PLR ebook on, say, romantic gifts. Then use five articles to create a nice little five-page web site; put five in an autoresponder for subscribers, and place five on article directories with links back to your new site.

How long would it take to set that up? Half-a-day? A whole day? Well, that’s not bad, is it? To have a whole web site, an autoresponder populated with messages and articles getting you attention and backlinks in a day!

Of course, I would always recommend rewriting PLR. Even if only a little, just to put your own slant on it. However, when you can get a private label rights ebook of a dozen or more good 500-600 word articles in targeted PLR ebooks for less that $10 each, what have you got to lose?

PLR ebooks in up to thirty languages

Much of my PLR has been translated into, and even narrated in, many other languages. This reflects the high regard in which it is held, but also gives you the opportunity to expand into foreign markets.

The links to the private label rights ebook will open in a new window.

This link will take you to the PLR Index of 125 private label rights ebooks on this blog: PLR Ebook Index.

Click through to a book of your choice to be presented with all the languages that that book exists in.

All the English-language books were written by the novelist Owen Jones.

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