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Blubrry Podcast Hosting

Blubrry Podcast Hosting
Blubrry Podcast Hosting

Blubrry Podcast Hosting

I had been wondering about podcasting for at least a year, and had noticed Blubrry Podcast Hosting. However, it had become a permanent feature at the back of my mind. I’m sure you know what I mean. I felt that there had to be something to it. After all, it had become so popular that even staid old Aunty, the BBC, was taking it seriously. After extensive research, I settled on the Blubrry free trial.

My first thought was why a company dedicated to communication would want a name that looks like a typo.

Anyway, I signed up for the free trial month of Blubrry hosting thinking ‘What have I got to lose?’

I want to say right from the start, that this is not the correct approach, because, if you’re like me, you will put a lot of effort into your new toy. So, after thirty days, you will not want to lose all that work. As it happened, I was very impressed with Blubrry Podcast Hosting and wanted to build on the foundation I had laid. So, I left my monthly subscription of $12 open and carried on.

Stress-free Global Reach

Blubrry Hosting will send your podcasts to another dimension – one which you would have found previously very difficult to access. For example, your podcast will appear on YouTube, Spotify, Spreaker, Soundcloud and RadioPublic among others without any further intervention from you! Blubrry will make your work instantly accessible to hundreds of millions of people. People, who probably otherwise never have even seen your stuff or heard of you! That is a lot of extra reach, global reach, in fact, for just $12 a month!

Blubrry Podcast Hosting can be wonderful, but it still requires work from you. This is what you need to factor in – your own commitment. I have spent years writing and posting 500-word articles – typically three or four times a week. Nowadays, I also convert them to speech and hand them over to Blubrry Podcast Hosting Services and my articles fly! But, you have to write the content first for the system to work. I would say that you need to write at least one a week, but the more you put in, the more you will get out!

Blubrry Podcasting

The Blubrry Podcast Hosting system is very easy to set up and use, especially for bloggers, so why not sign up for your free month of Blubrry Podcasting using the link on this page and take your promotions into another dimension?

In closing, I have often been asked why anyone with a blog host would want to pay for even more hosting. Well, audiofiles take up a fair bit of space, and if they are accessed often they could get you into trouble with your blog host. However, Blubrry was build for the job, so you will never have an issue.

Blubrry Podcast Hosting – free trial

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