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Leaving Annwn

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Leaving Annwn is a profound tale of love, loss, and redemption, seamlessly blending the supernatural with the Earthly. It is a testament to the enduring connections that bind us, offering readers a story of hope, inspiration, and the transformative power of compassion.


Leaving Annwn

Leaving Annwn

Returning to Earth on a Mission

In the serene Welsh countryside, near the town of Brecon, the story of a humble sheep-farming family unfolds with deep emotions and timeless bonds. In the first volume, readers are introduced to Willy, Sarah, their daughter Becky, and their loyal dog, Kiddy. They lead a simple yet fulfilling life on their secluded ‘mountain’ until tragedy strikes. Sarah, the loving heart of the family, passes away at a young age, leaving Willy and Becky devastated. Unable to bear the loss, Willy succumbs to a broken heart a decade later, leaving Becky to face life’s challenges on her own.

Welsh Heaven

The second volume takes readers on an ethereal journey to Annwn, the ancient Welsh term for Heaven, believed to be a mystical underground realm. Sarah returns from Annwn to guide Willy through his transition from Earthly life to the Afterlife. Reunited, they form an unbreakable duo, watching over Becky from their heavenly abode and maintaining a connection that transcends life and death.

In this compelling third volume, Leaving Annwn, the narrative takes an extraordinary turn. Willy, Sarah, and Becky return to Earth in their next incarnations as Bodhisattvas — enlightened beings with a mission to alleviate suffering. Their new purpose is to address one of the modern world’s most pressing issues: homelessness. They set their base of operations in Cardiff, the vibrant capital of Wales. From there, they embark on a journey filled with challenges, adventures, and heart-warming moments. As they extend their compassionate reach to the global homeless community, their actions inspire hope and change. It shows that the bonds of love and friendship can overcome even the greatest of adversities.

Returning to Earth

Leaving Annwn is a profound tale of love, loss, and redemption, seamlessly blending the supernatural with the Earthly. It is a testament to the enduring connections that bind us. It offers readers a story of hope, inspiration, and the transformative power of compassion.

Volume 2: Life in Annwn:

£3.99 (excluding VAT or sales tax)

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