Tips for Authors on Boosting Sales
Scheduling Sales Actions
I like being an Indie writer – indie as in independent. Basically, it means that you don’t have a traditional publisher to hold your hand. That isn’t what I like about it – that actually sounds quite nice, but I do like the independence. Traditionally, publishers took on many of the tasks associated with boosting sales of books, so that the author could get on with the writing. Increasingly these days, even traditionally published authors are expected to sell their books themselves.
Sales Strategy
Selling books is the job that most authors have the biggest problem with.
Including me.
I don’t hate it, but I find writing books far easier and more satisfying. However, writing books does not bring in any money, whereas selling them does.
I have been writing and selling books for twelve years now. That doesn’t make me an expert, but I have picked up a few tips to make the tasks of boosting sales (and writing) easier.
Selling Tips
The one I am going to share with you today is scheduling. You can find more on this blog, and in a manual that I have written, the details of which are below.
I have only just started doing this, but it is working a treat. I use Google Calendar for scheduling. It’s free, easy to use and will pop up on all your devices anywhere you can get a signal
To-Do Lists
You will need to write down all the methods you can think of for selling books (social media, articles, websites, paid advertising, etc) and then separate them into three groups called ‘Daily’, ‘Weekly’ and ‘Monthly’. For example, social media could be daily, blog posting weekly, and advertising monthly. I find it best to go into detail such as:
1] Post to Facebook,
2] Post to X,
3] Post to TikTok,
This is because it is less easy to forget to do something and provides more items to tick off. I like ticking off jobs on To-Do Lists 🙂 You can read and copy my comprehensive lists of suggestions for boosting sales in the manual.
Online Calendar
Then, open your calendar and enter the daily tasks as one recurring task repeating every day. Choose the day of the week when you are most likely to have more free time, enter your weekly jobs as one task and make it recur weekly. Ditto with monthly tasks. You can write out the task on numbered, separate lines in the details section.
I complete these tasks every day now, and enjoy ticking them off as finished. It gives me a record of what promo has been done, gives me a solid routine to work to, and provides me with the satisfaction that things are moving in the right direction.
Naturally, you can add tasks to your lists, or delete them whenever you get a useful idea, or feel that something is not working.
Boost Your Book Sales to Unimagined New Heights!
A Comprehensive Guide for Authors and Booksellers to Boost Book Sales Using Proven Strategies to Maximise Reach and Revenue!
Google Play Store: e-book: https://tinyurl.com/25myfplb
Audiobook: GGKEY:8U26NSC9CU4
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