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Cock Fighting

Dead Centre – Fighting

Cock Fighting

Yesterday evening, while I was enjoying my usual pint in the corner shop that I euphemistically call ‘The Pub’ and which readers of Behind The Smile will know as Nong’s, a youth carried two chickens onto the plot of land opposite, put one down, but held the other firmly around the body. Then he hit the free bird with the other. It was clear that he was trying to start them fighting.

The free bird pecked the captive, and the captive defended himself, for it was obvious now that both birds were cocks, and this was a training session. The piece of crap, for I can think of no other adequate word to describe him, chased the free bird all over the four-hundred square metre plot trying to provoke animosity between the two poor animals, but it was plain to see that they were not interested in fighting.

After twenty minutes, he had a spectatorship of ten kids and four adults and he released his captive cock and chased them around, urging them to start fighting with his feet.

In ten years here, I have never seen anything like that before. It saddens me, but now, two hours and two beers later, it makes me think of our ‘superiors’ who goad us to fight for them by whipping up ill feeling between people who don’t feel it using the media as their tools.

And thinking that makes me even sadder still because it is happening somewhere near every single person who is reading this, and even those billions who are not… and it has ever been thus.

There will always be some piece of crap trying to get us cocks fighting their war for them, while their own family sits well behind the lines in ‘protected jobs’, such as being rich.

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