Megan Series
‘A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!’
Before we continue, I will let you into a secret, although it is not a well-kept one: I am Ceri Carpenter, the writer of the Megan Series. I took it as my pen name for the Megan Series during a brain-wave.
Ceri, is a Welsh name (boys’ and girls’ pronounced ‘Kerry’ and my father was a carpenter. Hence, Ceri Carpenter.
Do I regret taking a pen name, no, not yet, although it has already caused me more harm than good.
Anyway, on with the explanation of why I write these novellas in the Megan Series.
My father’s mother was a Spiritualist and she founded a Spiritualist Church in Butrill’s Road, Barry, my home town in South Wales. My father, his mother and his sisters were ‘faith healers’, as they were called in those days, in that church. They also took services, gave sermons (talks), transmitted messages ‘from the other side’ and held ‘development circles’ for those who wanted to develop their paranormal, psychic powers.
My mother was a believer, and had some paranormal powers, despite having been born into a Catholic family, although they were not strict Catholics.
I was born into this environment and so were my brothers although they are younger than I and remember less of what happened in those early days in our lives.
At the age of about 7 to 14, my father encouraged me to go to many churches, so that I could ‘make up my own mind’. I went to Catholic church with my grandfather’s sister, Church of Wales at school, Baptist church with the cubs and scouts and several others besides.
My father gave me ‘Spiritual Exercises’ to perform as a teenager and I read everything that I could find on the subject. I loved to discuss these things with Mum and Dad and during some of these discussions, my mother told me how her mother had treated her and me as a child.
Mum was never locked in the cellar for being ‘able to see’ and believing in the supernatural, but she was reprimanded. I was left with my grandmother while Mum was at work and she did make me right-handed. I had the tiger for a friend, not my mother.
So, I have been wanting to put all this into words for a long time and that time has now come.
I decided to write one paranormal story in the ‘Megan Series’ every month. They are 10,000 words long and each novella will be a complete story in its own right, although there will be continuity 🙂
The books in the Megan Series are available as print books for collectors and as ebooks for those who want to read them like comics. They are not being written for teenage girls, but I hope that teenage girls will read them before the world in the form of society wipes their minds clean and makes them conform.
There are people who can see auras, there are people who can heal, there are people who get messages from the other side and there are people who talk to the dead.
These small books are for those people and for the young who have not yet learned society’s ‘lesson’ that they do not exist.
At the present time, August 2013, there are two books in existence in the Megan Series at about $3 each and another will follow before the month is out 🙂
They are ‘The Misconception’, ‘Megan’s Thirteenth’ and seven others, see here for the full list: