Our New Insiders’ Newsletter
I have decided to launch an insider’s newsletter. I felt that it could be a repository of answers to questions about writing, publishing, and my own books. An apt title would be Our Insiders’ Newsletter, because that is what I intend it to be.
I ran a newsletter a couple of years ago, but had to abandon it unfortunately. However, I hope that this one will be even better – more cosy and perhaps more intimate. I intend to talk about behind-the-scenes occurrences regarding the stories, characters and plots regarding my own books. Perhaps, I can help and encourage others who would like to try their hand at writing too.
Last year, I compiled an anthology of short stories, several of which were written by first-time writers. Perhaps we could do another one of those, or even one a year, who knows? It will be up to whoever is in the group at the time.
Our Insiders’ Newsletter
So, if you think that this is your sort of thing, sign up not using the form on the right. The one on the left will get you the blogfeed of this site. If you don’t like it, it won’t have cost you anything, and you can unsubscribe at any time.
I think that it is about it for now, oh, except the frequency of the newsletters. I intend to send one or two three-five hundred word pieces a month. So, that is not going to tax anyone’s schedule too much.
Please recommend the Insiders’ Newsletter to friends who may be interested.
All the best for now,
PS: Please have a look in our bookshop before you leave the site.
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