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Russian Books – Update

Two great stories!

Russian books
Russian books

We have had three of our novels translated into Russian recently, and I have at long last found the time to add them to my blog. Others will follow in due course, indeed, we are having two more translated as you are reading this article.

The first is the Russian translation of the first volume of Behind The Smile – the story of Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya: “Daddy’s Hobby”. Marvellously translated by the very able Dasha Elsova, who is currently working on the sequel.

Daddy’s Hobby” tells the story of Lek, a farmer’s daughter from northern Thailand, who had to go to Pattaya to work in a sex-tourism bar to prevent the bank from foreclosing on her family’s farm, which would have meant her mother losing her home and livelihood, and her siblings having to leave school.

The second is the Russian translation of The Disallowed – the humorous story of a contemporary vampire family. The Disallowed refers to the people who have been bitten and made the change into vampires. This is a humorous and philosophical version of the more scary original version of the vampire story translated by the very talented Hebs Orest.

And the third is the Russian translation of the Megan Series – A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger, and One Scary Mother! This series is about a psychic teen, who is looking for help to understand her supernatural powers, but can’t find anyone… no-one living, that is. This and the Ukrainian version were both translated by the polyglot Oksana Ryndina.

Russian Titles

The titles of these books in Russian are, respectively. The links are local to pages on this blog:

1] «Что скрывает улыбка?», История Лек, «девочки» из Паттайи: «Daddy’s Hobby». E-book – ISBN: 9788835427575

2] «Запрещенные» – Юмористическая история современной вампирской семьи! E-book – ISBN: 9788835420309

3] «Серии о Меган»Духовный наставник, призрачный тигр и ужасная мать! [Книга 1] «Заблуждение» – Ebook – ISBN: 9788835424192

Please, take the time to check these books out on this site and click through to the sales channel for more information, if you are interested. The book company that I a directing you to is the Italian firm Tektime. They facilitated the translation of these novels and their narration as well in many cases. However, there are lots of other outlets, some in your own country such as: ЛитРес and Партнерские площадки. In addition, there are also all the usual international English-language retailers such as: Amazon, Apple, Google, Kobo, Overdrive, and Scribd etc..

Lastly, please leave any feedback or suggestions you may have below.

Best wishes,


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