Ting Noi, Ting Noi, Ting Noi, Ting Noi
Another day in the forties centigrade! That’s about a fortnight now and is unheard of. Thailand has the odd day at that temperature, but it averages ten degrees lower in its summer. The monsoon has also begun to show itself in fits and starts, which will lower the heat when it arrives and buckets it down for a fortnight, although usually towards the end of daylight or overnight.
One of the effects of a heat wave like this, is that the village council has ordered all dogs to be injected to help them stop the heat from driving them crazy. The council administers the injections at a cost of 20p or 30c per dog, but you get a vaccination card and a tag to put on his collar. I have yet to find out what is in these jabs. Rabies, perhaps, anyone any idea?
For you authors who try to track the effects of your marketing on your sales, I would like to recommend AuthorRise.com. I have been using it for a while, but they, I always speak to Chris Weber, have recently revamped the site making it much more useful and easy to navigate. I like to have a system to work to which shows me where my efforts are lacking and this does that.
I urge you to take a look, and for those of you are small-minded enough to worry about such things, I won’t be earning any money or an upgrade if you join off my link, as I already run the top package.
By the way, it is free until 22nd May, 2015.
I will keep this bit short, because I know that some of you don’t care about babies, but this is the first one I’ve lived with for fifty years and I find her fascinating. She is seven months old, but if you sing ‘ting noi, ting noi, ting noi, ting noi’ to her, she touches her right thumb to her index finger and does a reasonable impression of a traditional female Thai dancer sitting on someone’s lap.
Where did she get that from?
In a similar vein, when she sees me, she says ‘E’, but not to or about anyone else, despite the fact that they are trying to get her to call me ‘Bpoo’ (grandfather) or ‘Boogga’ (grampy).
The last thing is ‘Asian Shorts’. No change at 30% full, but several promises. If you want to submit a story, please hurry up, as I have asked all my friends on this blog, Facebook and Twitter now, so next week I shall be looking further afield.
All the best.
Podcast: Ting Noi, Ting Noi, Ting Noi, Ting Noi
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