Chalita Majang
Chalita took over from Owen Jones as the owner of this blog, because Mr. Jones wanted to devote more time to writing, while Chalita wanted to get into blogging and help readers and writers to follow their passion for books.
Chalita is new to blogging and reviewing books, but she is learning quickly and is eager to help.
'If I cannot help directly, I know that I can always call on Owen', she says. 'Owen has vast experience in reading and writing books, and has more than a thousand books registered in his name at the British Library'.
The dog, Angun, which means Grape or Grapes in Thai, was an eighteenth birthday present from a friend. She was a lovely dog in every way imaginable, but was killed shortly after giving birth to and raising her first brood of puppies. She is sadly missed, and hasn't been replaced.
'A new dog just wouldn't be the same', she said sadly.
Anyway, times have changed, and Chalita now has a demanding job in Bangkok.
'I will be devoting as much time as I can to running the blog though', she said earnestly. 'And, if I see that people like my style of blogging, then I will rearrange my life a little in order to devote more time to it. I love reading and interacting with people anyway, so that wouldn't be a hardship. I suppose that I have to wait for the older visitors to get used to my style, and to try to attract new people who will come here for me.
'If you have any ideas about what you would like to see on this blog, please drop me a line' :-)
In the meantime, the format of Megan Publishing Services will remain roughly what it is now - a resource for readers and writers and a showcase for the books of Welsh writer Owen Jones.
Owen Jones has written fifty-odd novels in various genres mostly set in Wales, Spain and Thailand (the three countries where he spends most of his time). Similarly, many of his books have an element of the supernatural or paranormal, but not all of them, since he has a 700,000-word fictional biography, a spy thriller and military drama. Mr. Jones is strong on series. He only has a couple of stand-alone novels.