Asian Shorts
After talking with friends, mostly fellow-writers, over the last few weeks, it seems that some people see the usefulness of a showcase for their work. It appears that most, if not all, of us book-writers also write short stories. The first showcase book will be called ‘Asian Shorts’ and I have already created a cover which I think can lend itself to many genres of stories on Asia.
So, this first one will be for those of us who have written short stories that involve Asians. This doesn’t mean that you have to be Asian or live in Asia to get a story in it, just that the story has to have something to do with Asia or Asians.
I have never done this before, so if you have a suggestion, please let me know. At the moment, I am proposing to publish the book when it reaches 50k words. Since most of my shorts are 500 words in length, that could mean a hundred stories, but if we increase the word limit to 2,500, we may fill the book with fifty stories, which sounds about right to me.
If your favourite Asian short is longer than 2,500 words, don’t worry, it’ll probably get in anyway, it is just a guideline. I would like to get this first one out fairly quickly, so I propose allowing writers to submit as many stories as they like.
**- Update: the word range is now 300-3,000 words -**
First come first served, as they say, but I will issue a second volume if there is enough supply from writers. However, I am not sure how to order them, perhaps on a longest first basis, but I will disrupt that order to avoid having two stories by the same author one after the other.
**- Update: I’m going to to put 50 numbers in a hat and draw one at random for each story -**
You won’t get paid for your stories, but they don’t have to be unique to this book. If you already have them on your web site, this will not affect you, because they will only be in ebooks and a paperback.
I will sell Asian Shorts for $2.99 on five ebook platforms and CreateSpace and put ‘all’ the revenue in my step-daughter’s university fund (where most of my money seems to be going these days). In other words, it will help an Asian girl from a poor farming background receive a good education. She is currently in her third year in Bangkok.
If you also want to promote this anthology, and make some money from it, you will be able to use the usual affiliate links from the sites concerned, which I will tell you.
What is in it for you, dear writer? Well, you can put the usual 50-word bio at the end of your story with two links to wherever you like. I suggest using trackable hyperlinks so that you can judge how effective your entries were.
If you need help with the author bio, just let me know.
One last point, the quality of your story will determine how effective it is, so please check it for errors. If your entry disappoints in any way, readers are less likely to click through on your links.
Let’s try to make this book a success in order to promote our main works to the public, since promotion is still the hardest part of becoming a well-known, and therefore, successful author.
‘Asian Shorts’ is now full – thanks to everyone who has sent in a story.
You can buy the book here:
[simpleazon-image align=”none” asin=”B00ZY07QW6″ locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51WzdhsVsSL._SL160_.jpg” width=”100″] [simpleazon-link asin=”B00ZY07QW6″ locale=”us”]Asian Shorts: Short stories about Asia[/simpleazon-link]
PS: the stories submitted for ‘Asian Shorts’ need to be ‘family friendly’.
Podcast: Asian Shorts
If you don’t have a short to include, wait a week and buy the book – it’s going to be great!
Writers of short stories!
Please read this short piece and get back to me if appropriate.
‘Asian Shorts’ is now 30% full
Do it, please!
‘Asian Shorts’ is now 53% complete, so there is still time to submit a story