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PLR Can Be Useful for Authors

PLR Can Be Useful for Authors

PLR by Owen Jones
Owen Jones

How PLR Can Be Useful for Authors

PLR can be very useful to authors, because they are such good writers. That may sound rather odd, but sometimes you just want to put content on a site without having to do all the leg work. If you can trust the source of your PLR, this gives authors a golden opportunity to just download some PLR, adjust it to suit the circumstances and up load it to the web.

How difficult can that be for a writer?

The PLR on this web site comes in niche packages of 15+ 500-word articles which have hardly been used anywhere else. In fact, some have never been used anywhere else. That is not the point though, before PLR is put on a decent web site, it should be re-written as a matter of course, so that it is stamped with the site-owner’s personality and becomes unique.

How would an author of novels use PLR?

Every book has a theme and a genre, so an author exploring the use of PLR could select the niche pack that most closely resembles the content of the book / novel in question, and ‘bend’ the content to provide backup material for the book. These articles can be posted to the book’s web site and / or to article directories in order to garner backlinks to the author’s or book’s web site.

This strategy allows the writer to spend more time writing creatively and less time writing background, which is a necessity for unknown writers these days. Nowadays, it is no longer good enough to have written a book. If no-one has ever heard of you, you have to create a ‘buzz’.

One, and arguably the best, way of creating a buzz, is to write ‘around’ the subject matter of the book in question. An example: I have three books based on Lek, a bar girl in Pattaya, Thailand, so I have written articles on her youth, her village, Pattaya and Thailand.

If your main character is a cotton mill worker, you could write articles on the cotton industry, cotton slavery, northern England, the southern states, looms etc, etc. Anything of interest that will get people thinking about the subject of your book.

When you publish these articles off your own site, you add a by-line with at least one link back to your book’s site or where it can be bought. Good articles will be picked up by other web masters looking for useful content and your piece may be seen by thousand – which means that the link to your book will be too.

It all depends on how much time you have and whether you can see the importance of what I am saying.

Good luck with your book or project.
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