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Quick Blog or Website

Quick Blog or Website
Quick Blog or Website

Quick Blog or Website

In this article, I will show you how to set up a quick blog on your own using pre-designed templates for the site and the content. The first thing that you will need is a host for your publication – somewhere which will store and display it.

Professionals pay for this blogging platform, but many others do not. The decision is yours and can be reversed later. Basically, you can find an ‘unlimited’ host for $5 p/m or you can find free blog sites like WordPress, Blogger or Weebly (and many others).

So, now you have a host. You may want to blog on your own domain name, but you can do this later and your host will explain how to do it. Now you need to follow the hosting site’s step-by-step instructions (in an easy-to-use wizard) to set up the basic style of your site (choosing from a variety of themes, colours, fonts, etc).

This can take ten minutes (or longer the first time), then proceed to PLR Books on this site and look at the 120+ example sites in the left navigation bar. It will open in a new window. Decide what you would like to write about and click the link there to ‘PLR Content’, which will bring you back to this blog – see the title bar).

Dig down through the menus to find the niche content PLR ebook pack that best suits your intention. There are 140+ there and all but one contains 15 (or more) 500-600 word articles on the subject of the pack’s title. So, choose the five most relevant articles for your subject and upload them as blog/website pages.

That leaves you with at least ten more to use in promotional ways. For example, add them to your site one at a time or add them to article directories with active backlinks about which you can click site to learn more. This is quite beneficial as it overall increases the traffic on the site as the outbound links leads back to similar post belonging to the same site.

Setting up the site itself is very easy. If you pay, your host will have website and blog templates free for your use, and so will the free hosts, although the choice may be more limited.

The first time, it might take you all day to set up your blog and launch it, but after that you’ll be able to create two or three a day (and sell them). The PLR niche content will cost you $7.99

This is an easy business for anyone who is willing to learn and invest a little time and money.

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All the best,


PS: Teachers might like to consider teaching their pupils how to set up a Quick Blog or Website so that they will have an extra income for life in these difficult times. Think, a 15 year-old could have 50 blogs making money by the time he or she is 65 and that is only at the rate of one quick blog a year.

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